There are lots of reasons people come to the Y.
Whether it's swim lessons, time on an elliptical, or the friendly faces that greet you on the way in, our members choose the YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo every day. Read below for some of their stories.
Have a story about why you chose the Y? Submit it here!
I choose the Y for my children, so they grow up in an environment of love and acceptance. I want my boys to build understanding that we, as humans, are all individuals who are different. Different races, cultures, religions, identities, and life experiences. There is no difference that mean a person should be loved more or seen as less; every person should be able to be affirmed in who they are and respected.
It is my responsibility to know better and to do better, and as a mother, that means raising my boys to be better. As they grow, this will allow them to be empowered in their own individuality and beliefs while respecting the differences of others.
When everyday activities take place in an atmosphere of love and inclusion, that becomes our norm. Thanks to the Y, this is how it is -- and should be.
Nichole H.
In 2022, my husband and I decided that it would be a good idea to get a Y membership, not only to better our health, but also to socialize and get our children socialized by signing them up for different children's programs. We were members for a few months, and had enrolled our toddler son into various swim classes, pint size play, and sporties for shorties. We also took advantage of Kid Zone when it was just my husband and I coming to work out.
After a few months of coming to the Y frequently, I asked if there were any job opportunities to potentially save us money on our monthly membership (at the time I was staying at home with our children and my husband was working). I found out that there were openings in the member services department. I applied and got a position rather quickly, and found out that our family membership would be FREE! To top it off, Kid Zone offers a service to staff members that would allow us to keep the kids in Kid Zone during the hours that I would be working. Bonus!
A couple months went by with me working in member services, when a Coordinator position became available in the Facilities Department. My previous work history and skillset happened to be in environmental services, and I couldn't let that opportunity pass me by without at least applying for it.
Backpedaling a bit on my story... The reason I stayed home while my husband worked is because we could not justify me continuing to work at my previous job and send both of our children to day care. It would have cost my entire salary.
Anyway, I applied for this full time position in facilities, and got the job! The best part is that I would be able to keep my children in Kid Zone for the day while I worked, for a minimal fee. Probably a quarter of the amount it would have cost for them both to be at a daycare facility! And they could be in the same building with me, so I could peek in on them at any point in the day.
Because of Kid Zone, I was able to get into the workforce again and continue to be a contributor for my family, taking some of the weight off my husband. This would absolutely not be possible without the Y!!!
Since then, I have moved up in my department, and am now a Director, and my son will be starting Preschool in the Y's Early Learning Program.
If you are a parent looking for employment but cannot afford childcare, or a parent looking for extra income, or a way to have a membership because you may not be able to afford one for your family, ask yourself, Y NOT the Y?
Janet J.
You don't have to be wealthy to be healthy. The Y is not only an affordable membership for individuals and families, but also extends opportunities to members at no additional cost, unlike many other gyms. The Y is different because it is not just a gym. It is a membership to a community that is affordable to anyone that seeks a sense of belonging and has a desire to participate in healthy activities for your body and mind.
Aaron K.
Humans have evolved to fit into the world they no longer inhabit. Running, jumping, swimming -- these activities which are now considered recreational were once essential for survival. To tap into our inner fountain from the rivers of our forefathers, we must not allow our bodies to fall into ruin like so much of the Earth around us. I can't control global warming but I can sure get a nice sweat going at my local YMCA (and take a nice hot tub, after!) I can't control inflation, but I can "get swole" in the weight room! Why the Y? Because I care about my life!
Kay S.
Sporties for Shorties was delightful! All kids -- no matter if they were shy or rambunctious, were welcomed and made to feel at ease. Coach Don was wonderful -- always encouraging and positive. A great experience!
I choose the Y for my children, so they grow up in an environment of love and acceptance. I want my boys to build understanding that we, as humans, are all individuals who are different. Different races, cultures, religions, identities, and life experiences.
There is no difference that means a person should be loved more or seen as less; every person should be able to be affirmed in who they are and respected.
It is my responsibility to know better and do better, and as a mother, that means raising my boys to be better. As they grow, this will allow them to be empowered in their own individuality and beliefs while respecting the differences of others.
When every day activities take place in atmosphere of love and inclusion, that becomes our norm, and that's how it should be!
Skylar G.
The first time I ever stepped into a YMCA facility was August of 2021 and it was the BEST decision because it brought me here, the YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo. Had I not gone out of my comfort zone to seek employment at an Austin, TX branch, I'm doubtful that I would have had such a great opportunity in Kalamazoo. The environment alone makes me excited to come to work each day knowing that I will have meaningful interactions. I'm blessed to be able to impact the lives of our youth by creating a safe space for them. There aren't many whose names I don't know, we're all a family in Kids Zone. Outside of my department I always feel welcome. Early Learning staff makes me feel seen in my role as "Teacher Skylar" and there's not a day Member Services Eli doesn't wish me well on my way out. This place is magic and I'm beyond grateful to be part of the mission.
Michelle W.
The Y is a gathering place for people from all walks of life. Our family feels at home here and participates in several various programs. While pregnant, I have especially enjoyed being able to use the pool to float and move around. I've made a point of coming everyday, somedays twice a day and the water has been wonderful to relieve pregnancy discomforts. The new pre-natal class has also been fun and I look forward to trying the post-natal class later on. We really appreciate the Kids Zone as a safe place for our children while we work out or participate in classes. The community and people we know here are what makes this place feel like a second home for our family. We're very thankful for the YMCA.
Ian M.
I've been a member at the Y since I was in 7th grade (about 20 years now). Even before that I had Y ball practices and learned how to swim at the Maple Y. In middle school me and my friends would come from across the street (Maple St. Magnet school) to the Y almost everyday after school to play basketball. Carl, who still works here, would play with us and supervise. It's really cool seeing him there today still helping the youth of Kalamazoo like he was back when we were kids. Having the Y to come to after school as an outlet helped us improve and focus on something constructive.
I had major surgery on my bilateral club feet my senior year of high school so I was unable to play school sports that year. The Y was crucial in my rehab process. My doctor who performed my surgery said there was no guarantee I would be able to run or play ball like I used to after the surgery but that rehab would help me get back to walking normally. So during my senior year I came to the Y nearly every day after school to either swim, ride the bike or do stretching/balancing exercises to rehab my feet. It took about a year until I was stopped using both walking boots and 2 years until I was walking normally. The Y played a huge part in that. While I can't do as much as I used to do, due to some foot pain, I'm glad to say I can still go out for a run in Kleinstuck and play basketball here at the Y to this day.
So answering the question, "why the Y?" I would say that I owe the Y a lot. It's helped shape me into the person I am today. It's kept me out of trouble for the most part and has helped me keep my head on straight. Having the Y to come to has been sort of a haven for me to manage my stress, depression and bad habits.
I love the diversity of the Y, it's amenities, it's affordability and familiarity. The Maple Y has been like a 2nd home for me for long time.
Ken M.
My son and daughter have been playing basketball at the Y for the past seven years. The reason why we continue to choose the Y has everything to do with the relationships we have built over the years. We have a core group of players that have played together for years and we are friends both on and off the court.
We often have players that join our team outside of our core group. It is great to see these kids develop and enjoy their experience on the court. It is also nice to see the group come together and encourage one another.
We had a player last year who had never taken a shot in a game. Over the course of the season he was able to take a few shots but had not scored going in to our last game. That game he swished a shot from the corner in which the entire team and crowd erupted! I can still see the huge smile on his face as I type this message up today.
That is WHY we choose the Y, it’s all about the relationships built with the kids!
Chet and Barb S.
34 years! That’s how long Chester (Chet) and Barb Socia have been members at the Y. They first came to the Y through a three-month free membership in 1989 through their involvement in Corporate Olympics, a community-wide fitness program where he joined a race-walking team through his employers, Eaton, and she participated through Kalamazoo Public Schools, for a Time Predicted walking event. (Side note, Barb was also the oldest participating cheerleader!)
The story goes that Chet’s team came in first that year but they both testify to each having come out as winners in a more important way: In those three months of coming to the Y to build up their stamina for the competition, they built a strong foundation for regular exercise that has been a part of their lifestyle (with the exception of the pandemic) ever since! They’ve been retired for a while, now, but the Y is still a major priority in their lives.
Going back to that year that he joined the race-walking event, Chet points to his personal accomplishment of having lost 30 pounds training for that race. He managed to keep it off, he says, thanks to having access to the Y, where through the years he also trained to run in half and full Marathons. Now, Chet and Barb come in to the Y three times a week, always together. He heads to the strength machines. She goes to the pool. They meet afterwards in the Portage Y’s back lobby usually with other members to enjoy a cup of coffee. They both attest that the social aspect of Y membership is equally beneficial. “The alternative is sitting on the couch,” Chet says, “And that’s no help at all.” At 91, Chet says that the Y has been wholly instrumental in helping him to be fit and strong. In fact, he points to his “ticker” as he refers to his heart, and tells how his cardiac specialist was amazed to see the health of it not too long ago when Chet went under for double-by-pass surgery. Apparently, he has the heart of a much younger fella. “I tell my peers that having a fitness routine is key to long-standing health. I also tell people younger than me the same thing. It is the key to quality of life when you get to be our age.”
Savannah B.
"My husband and I moved to Michigan with our two babies under the age of 2. We lost our entire support system. Surviving with my sanity intact was tough.
After joining the Y, I was able to have some breathing room. My girls thrived in Kids Zone. They now ask to go 'play' nearly every day. The Y has given me those 2 hours to myself, for my health both physical and mental. I cannot understate what a blessing this has been. Why the Y – to gift yourself some peace."
Helen M.
"The Y has so much to offer for everyone to be as healthy as possible, not only for our physical well being with classes to meet our fitness needs, but also, for our emotional well being with meeting people in classes and in the cardio room where people encourage each other to move and be fit. It is so important to see and meet people as we age!
My own health has improved with coming to the Y! It is my cardiac rehab. My cardiologist told me to continue with the Y.
The staff at the Y care for their members! They greet you and welcome you when you come in. I love coming here most every day! I am here 5 out of 7 days a week. It is a family friendly place!"
Shawn B.
"I chose the Y for a variety of reasons. The facilities are unmatched. With large swimming pools, plenty of space for cardio, strength training, tennis, and fitness classrooms, nothing else in the area even comes close in terms of the area and equipment offered by the Y. It's a bargain too! What you get for you membership fee is truly the highest value in town without a doubt.
That said, it's the community aspect of the Y that I cherish the most. The staff is friendly and genuinely cares for every member. The members care for each other too. I've made many friendships here, who give me a sense of belonging and help me achieve my goals."
Suzie N. B.
"I choose the Y because of the community and sense of belonging it offers to ALL members. The myriad of healthy living programs are incredible and support all aspects of wellbeing.
The staff is especially noteworthy. I've continued to be impressed with their dedication and support of members through their various roles and interactions. They are key in making the Y the "go to" place for many."
Matt B.
- The inclusion and diversity of the staff and members
- The professionalism and helpfulness of the staff
- The variety of classes offered
- The Active for Life and Silver Sneakers programs
- The opportunity to volunteer and participate in social activities like the Y Book Club
- Blood Pressure and Flu Vaccine Clinics
- For the Kids Zone, Early Childhood Program, After School Programs, Summer Camp programs
I have been a member since 1980, and I never considered going anywhere else for a better me! A better us!"
Katy M.
"I love how family oriented the YMCA is. It has something for every person and age in our family. I prefer to workout with the group fitness classes while my kids and spouse enjoy using the pool. I greatly appreciate that my kids are welcomed and encouraged to access the Y.
Being able to utilize my membership at both facilities in town and many across the country while we travel allows me to make my workouts more consistent. The YMCA also provides opportunity for date nights while the kids enjoy parents night out. There are so many opportunities for fun and fitness at the Y!"
Liz C.
"I love the staff at the Y! They are laid back and helpful. The Kid's Zone allows me to workout as a stay at home mom. Without it, I'd have to workout late at night.
Also the tennis coaches are amazing and great individuals!"
"TENNIS, tennis, tennis! Awesome coaching, and a great value."
Kayla P.
"My family and I love the Y because it offers everything we need in one spot. There's plenty of equipment which allows us to easily get a good workout without any wait. The basketball courts are the biggest plus for our family and primarily why we joined. My kids enjoy being able to practice and play pick up ball. We highly recommend to Y to family and friends."
Curtis M.
"My kids and I have been participating in youth sports at the YMCA for about 8 years now. Both of my boys have played basketball and flag football and my daughter also now plays basketball there too. I've been fortunate enough to be able to coach in every season and sport they've participated in and it has been a great experience for everyone. Don Seibert is a great leader of these programs and schedules games and practices so I'm able to take part in my kids sporting events. My kids have made a lot of friends, experienced what it means to win and lose, and they've had a lot of fun. The YMCA's amazing programs teach kids great life skills and allows them to participate in sports which creates confidence and life long activities for them to stay active with. I couldn't have asked for a better leader or a better place for my kids to play. I always encourage others to sign up for activates at the YMCA because I know it'll be a good experience. Thanks for everything YMCA!!!"
Nkenge B.
Melissa R.
"I'm a military spouse, originally from Michigan, and decided to join the YMCA in Virginia Beach after some years off when I found myself as a stay-at-home-mom in a new city with no family support. The YMCA Kid Zone offered me the ability to work on my own mental and physical health and gave me a chance to "catch my breath". I experienced postpartum anxiety and didn't have many "mom friends" with little ones around the same age. I loved knowing that my daughter was being cared for while I cared for myself and we were able to meet and chat with many other families. We grew to LOVE exploring the other YMCA locations in Hampton Roads and tested out the various pools. My kiddos were in the water as soon as they could be and they have developed a true love for swimming since. We eventually were stationed here in Michigan and we quickly knew where we wanted to plug-in. My daughter even hopes to join the YMCA swim team this winter and I continue to appreciate the various opportunities to care for myself. THANK YOU for giving us an uplifting, positive, fun place to be where we've created so many life long family memories!"
Brittany C.
"The Y is not just a facility to our family, but our support system and extension of our own family. The relationships I’ve built with the staff and fellow members has given me a great sense of belonging since becoming a member in 2016. My 4 year old daughter is currently enrolled in the Early Learning program and has gained so much confidence in herself since attending. The experiences that she shares with me at the end of each day always bring a smile to my face. One of my favorite things to brag about is the Y’s Early Learning program and all they do to support every student’s growth and development. Lastly, every time I step into the Y and look around, I am reminded of how the organization lives up to their core values and mission statement on a daily basis, which is why I am so proud to be a part of this organization!"
Sherry K.
"I am diabetic and have been for 14 years. Getting exercise, particularly water aerobics, has been an important strategy for diabetes control. But as you get older (I’m 77) it becomes more difficult. When Covid came, I was not a full time member; however, in 2021, my insurance finally saw the need for providing for a Silver Sneakers full Y membership! What a blessing this has been. I have attended water exercise classes more regularly. Not only have I lost weight (which also helps with diabetes), but I have brought my diabetic scores down significantly. Thank you, Maple Street YMCA and the wonderful instructors of water exercise for helping me to be healthier!"
Claire D.
Anna Joy T.
"After sustaining an injury at the beginning of the year, I started physical therapy, and the facilities at the Y have allowed me to exercise in many more adapted ways and heal much quicker than if I had just tried to get better at home. Not only that, but it provided some fun programs for my kids to participate in while my family continues to support my healing. Having financial aid makes a huge difference when we are also facing a bit of extra medical bills, so in more ways than one, the Y has been an amazing resource for my family and me during this season."
Mallory S.
"To me, the Y means family, community, self-care, and support. The YMCA is an integral part of our family's life. The financial assistance offered by the Y has made it possible for our kids to particpate in numerous programs and also explore their interests. The kids have enjoyed mini sports camp during school breaks, played basketball, participated in taekwondo, taken a soccer class, as well as participated in swim lessons. Y programming has enabled our older kids to socialize with peers in a safe environment while also feeling a sense of independence because mom and dad aren't right there. Staff know each of our children, and I am confident that they, too, are keeping an eye out. In addition to programming, our kids enjoy the Kids Zone while I take time to exercise and for self-care. This is all made possible by financial assistance."
Renee B.
It keeps me moving, and as a retired person I need to keep moving. The Y gives me something to look forward to. I love coming here and so does my husband. We both enjoy coming to the Y. The staff and the great people we have met has been a treat and we hope to continue to come.