Level 1
Water Acclimation | Ages 3 - 5 Years
Preschoolers develop comfort with underwater exploration and learn to perform basic self-rescue skills with assistance. Preschool Swim Level 1 is for students who aren’t yet comfortable going underwater voluntarily.
In Water Acclimation, your child will:
• Bob to submerge in the water
• Front and back glide to the wall for five feet with help
• Front and back float for 10 seconds with help
• Roll from back to front and front to back with help
• Jump, push, turn, grab with help
• Swim, float, swim 10 feet with help
• Exit the water
Maple - Days, Times, Register Portage - Days, Times, Register
Level 2
Water Movement | Ages 3 - 5 Years and Ages 6 - 9
Preschoolers entering this level should be able to go underwater voluntarily. Students focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water while continuing to practice how to safely exit if they fall into a body of water. Preschool Swim Level 2 is for students who aren’t yet able to do a front and back float on their own.
In Water Movement, your child will:
• Submerge to look at an object on the bottom of the pool
• Front and back glide to the wall for five feet
• Front and back float for 10 seconds
• Roll from back to front and front to back
• Jump, push, turn, grab
• Swim, float, swim five yards
• Tread water near the wall for 10 seconds
• Exit the water
Maple - Ages 3-5 - Days, Times, Register Maple - Ages 6-9 - Days, Times, Register
Portage - Ages 3-5 - Days, Times, Register
Level 3 | Preschool
Water Stamina | Ages 3 - 5 Years
Preschoolers entering this level should be able to front and back float independently. Students learn to swim to safety from a longer distance. They are introduced to rhythmic breathing and integrated arm and leg action. Preschool Swim Level 3 is for students who aren’t yet able to swim 10-15 yards on their front and back.
In Water Stamina, your child will:
• Retrieve an object in chest-deep water
• Swim on their front and back for 10 yards
• Roll from back to front and front to back
• Jump, push, turn, grab 10 yards
• Swim, float, swim 15 yards
• Tread water for 30 seconds
• Exit the water
Maple - Days, Times, Register Portage - Days, Times, Register
Level 3 | School Age
Water Stamina | Ages 6 - 12 Years
Children are introduced to rhythmic breathing and integrated arm and leg action. School Age Swim Level 3 is for students who aren’t yet able to swim 10-15 yards on their front and back.
In Water Stamina, your child will:
• Retrieve an object in chest-deep water
• Swim on their front and back for 15 yards
• Roll from back to front and front to back
• Jump, push, turn, grab 10 yards
• Swim, float, swim 25 yards
• Tread water for 1 minute
Maple - Days, Times, Register Portage - Days, Times, Register