Insurance-Based Third-Party Memberships

Various health insurance policies provide fitness center benefit access. The YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo partners with several companies. Membership through a third-party insurance policy provides all the basic Y membership benefits. The difference is YOU pay NOTHING to us.  The Y bills the third party based on your usage for partial reimbursement of regular membership dues. Benefits vary depending on the policy. 

Our Y contracts with the following third-party providers:

  • Aaptiv Advantate
  • Aaptiv Access
  • Active & Fit Direct
  • Fitness Your Way
  • FITON Health (Formerly known as Peerfit)
  • GymPass (now known as Wellhub)
  • Medicaid/Midicare
  • Prime
  • One Pass Select
  • Renew Active/One Pass by United HealthCare
  • Silver and Fit
  • Silver Sneakers
  • Walton Life Fitness Pass from WalMart

To get started, contact the Customer Service number on the back of your insurance card.  Ask a representative if you have a “WELLNESS FACILITY BENEFIT”.  If your insurance company representative names one of the programs listed above, you should be eligible at our location.

Please ask for the following information:

  • Name of the benefit
  • Member I.D./Fitness I.D. numbers
  • Eligibility date(s)
  • Is there an enrollment or monthly fee paid to the third-party provider?

You will need to share this information with a Y Member Services Staff. A photo I.D. is required. Upon verification, you will be asked to fill out the proper forms.  Benefits and participation can change after enrollment periods or based on contracts and pricing that your insurance receives from these third-party providers.  We regularly conduct eligibility checks and discontinue access based on third parties feedback.  If your insurance changes, please contact us immediately.