When COVID-19 closed our facility doors this year, we provided emergency child care for essential workers and bring thousands of meals to youths and families in our community. To support these efforts, generous donors reached out, and a pandemic relief fund was created. We'd like to thank the following donors for their support in response to the COVID-19 crisis:
1st Source Bank
Roberta Allen
Susan Allen
Erik Anderson
William Bailey
Felicity Baker
Monika Barker
Jacqueline Barnum
Peter Battani
Kishore Bayyapuneedi
Casey & Richard Beausoleil
Vernice Bell
Harold Beu
Devonie Block
Bruce & Heather Boersma
Andrea Bostrom
Giovanni & Amanda Brescia
Jennifer Browne
The Brownell Family
Beverly J. Buel
Christopher Chio
Consumers Energy Foundation
Bert Cooper
Janet Copeland
Barbara Crock & Michelle Scheidt
Pamela Dalitz
Judy D'Arcangelis
Robert Davis
Eric Dougal
Mary Kay DuBay
Caren Dybek
Todd Earls
Eaton Charitable Fund
Kathleen Everett
Jeanne Fakler
Kyle Fall
Ellen & Dennis Faurot
Steve & Connie Ferguson
Fetzer Institute
Karen Ford
Roberta Gabier
Carl Geib
Michael & Claudia Gerard
Maria Gigante
Shamus Goan
Paul Gray
Linda Grdina
Lynn Griggs
Rochelle Habeck & H. Allan Hunt
Cheryl Hach
Ann Hampel
John & Lynda Haskins
Heather & Eric Hayner
Jason Heystek
Theresa Hudson
William HIghes
Irving S. Gilmore Foundation
Peter & Josephine Ives
Kalamazoo Rotary Club
Kalsec, Inc.
Dorothy Kasunic
Jerome Keller
Karen King
KOHA Broncos Gold 12U Travel Team (2019/2020)
Laurel Kern
Bonnie Kovach
Robert Kropf
Corey Lager
Sharon Lamson
Diane Langejans
Janet LeFevre
Susan & Chuck Madden
Lori Malackowski
Kevin Malnight In honor of the Aquatics center
Marvin & Rosalie Okun Foundation
Sheerin Mathur
Kim & Gary Maystead
Kurt Mergener
W. Craig Misner
Laura Modic
Rebecca Moffett-Moore
Robert & Barbara Monk
Jennifer Nardi & Jesse Palmer
Kathleen Nelson
Rob & Sara Nicholson
Tom Obringer
People's Church
Manuel Pratt
Jim Ragotzy
Robert Rambert
Thomas Robbert
Lynn Robertson
Silvia Roederer
Ann Rohrbaugh
Rebecca Romph
Joan Romyak
Rooted in Kzoo Mask Fundraiser
Judy Rose
Larry & Sandy Rose
Michael Salbenblatt
Bonnie Sanders
Dave Schnelker
Alaina & Matt Schuld
Nancy Schullery
Steven Schroen
Michael Shen
Dean Shinabarger
Steve Siebers
Barbara Smart
Jean Snow In honor of all YMCA workers in Kalamazoo
Ann & Steven Soper
David & Linda Stafford
Sabrina Stempek
Erin Storm
Amy Streitel
Steven Terranella
The Burdick-Thorne Foundation
The H.P. and Genevieve Connable Fund
The People of Stadium Drive Apartments
Paul Tomich
United Way/Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Kamesh Venugopal
Wattles Family Foundation
Richard & Sheri Welsh
Andy Wenzel
Renee & Lewis Whalen
Lisa Whittaker
Sarah Willey & Brian Schnell
Paul Williams
Larry J. Wilson
Foster Woodward
YMCA of the USA
JoAnn Yochim
Georgia Ziegler
Bryan Zocher
*updated 2/5/21
To learn more about what the Y has been doing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please click here.
To make a gift to the Pandemic Relief Fund, you can mail your gift to 1001 W. Maple St., Kalamazoo MI 49008 or donate online here.